Need a hand capturing the attention of your audience?
Need a hand capturing the attention of your audience?
You are going to love this free download. It’s a guide to making sure your content instantly grabs the attention of your target audience. That your content gets seen and watched, and that a strong hook does the most important job for you.
“You need a hook, then you hold the attention and then you close with a solid call to action”.
Yep sounds perfect…. if you know how.
If you’d like to turn up the dial on the hooks you use in your marketing or you’re thinking “what even is a hook anyway? Do I hang my coat on it, catch fish or crochet with it?” Then this handy guide is for you.

Are you missing the opportunity to capture the attention of your audience? Letting them scroll on by? You need to tell your audience what's in the tin... in a wait this demands their attention sort of way. You have one opportunity to make them stop. So make them stop and pay attention to what you have to say.
I've included a page of examples of the types of hooks that I use in my own marketing to help you model your own.
In my usual style, I've included plenty of tips and ideas to give you a hand in crafting your own powerful hooks.

Hello, I'm Sarah - Chief Content Planner
If we haven’t already met, then I’m thrilled you have landed here. I’m always on hand to help you get your next week, month or season of content ready to roll.
I’m a Content Coach and Instagram Trainer, focused on taking the stress out of creating content for Instagram and other marketing channels. I share my learnings from a career in marketing, with small business owners, helping them get ahead - with carefully thought-out content strategies and training to develop creativity and confidence.
Whether you need some quick pointers to kick start your content plan, need help with your content strategy or navigating Instagram, I can help. I offer 1-1 training, group workshops, courses and strategy support.
Connect with me on Instagram @sarahrichardssocial
Wondering if this is for you?
Your 25 Scroll Stopping hooks free download
Without a hook, your audience will scroll on by. So whether it be in an email inbox, a social media feed or a blog, you need a vehicle to demand attention. This is the bit that shouts “hello I’m interesting and you need to read or watch me”.
If you haven’t got a clue about marketing hooks and want to better understand them OR you’re ready to make your headlines stand out and just need a few ideas to get you going, then yes this download is for you.
It’s in a simple easy to read format that will hopefully fire you with new ideas to make your content demand attention.
Your email address is required to download the document and you will be automatically added to my subscriber email for The Inspiration Edit – a regular burst of content ideas and inspiration. You are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.
I hope you love this free download. Please do let me know what you think? And if you find it useful, let your business buddies know so they can download a copy too. Enjoy!
Much love

25 Scroll Stopping Hooks - Get your copy
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Sarah x