Time for some content home truths and this post is a little more direct than my usual style.  But these are lessons I’ve learnt and questions I’ve had to get my head around to step up my own social media content and so I wanted to share them. I know from experience that working on these gets results.
If I look back at my own journey of marketing my business on social, I didn’t know the answers to many of these. I just made a start and started building my online community. I’ve worked a lot of this out on the way. So what I’m saying is, don’t let any of this stop you. Keep going with what you are doing, but do make the time soon to understand some of these key points. Because great content is the primary ingredient of driving your social media forwards.

9 Content home truths you need to work through

  1. You can only create great content if you are 110% clear about what you offer and the value you bring. If you don’t know your value and strengths and those of your business, you don’t stand a chance of being able to convince your target customer.
  2. You need to know exactly who your ideal customer really is. Go deep. A half-hearted approach is not going to help you know and meet their needs. Totally understand who that person is.
  3. You cannot guess as to what your ideal customer needs from you. Do the research and find out exactly how you can help your audience ‘right now’. DM them, pick up the phone to a customer, do some polls in stories. Ask the right questions.
  4. It is impossible to create content that hits the spot for everyone. Create content with one person (target customer) in mind. Talk his or her language. Deliver on their needs.
  5. Trying to show up like someone else or another business doesn’t work. Authenticity rocks. Return to point number 1, know yourself and your business and be uniquely you.
  6. Fancy tools won’t make your content spectacular. Although there are many that will help make creating content significantly easier.
  7. Great content requires an investment of time. Social media gives us access to free marketing, but when has marketing ever been free. What you save in cash you allocate in time. Invest your time in creating great content.
  8. Pen and paper works just as well in planning your content. Allocating time to brainstorming is one of the best things you can do.
  9. If you don’t sell, or tell your audience what you do, they will never guess. You are using social to market your business, so include the sales messages. Accept that sales posts may get lower traction, but remember one sale is better than 100 likes.


Need a hand?

If you would like further help in planning your content or working on the foundations of your social media strategy, take a look at my Content Power Hour. An outcome driven 121 session or series of sessions where you’ll go away with an armful of inspiration and ideas and a plan to follow.

I also run a regular Content Planning workshop filled with inspiration, tips and content tools. Next workshop dates are listed on the workshops page.

If you have questions, please do get in touch.

Sarah x