April awareness days 2025 to inspire your social media content
April awareness days makes April ‘choc’-full (pun absolutely intended) of content ideas to weave into your social media business content.
Whilst I wouldn’t recommend using ‘too’ many in your social media feeds as it could dilute your key message, sharing a funny/interesting/thought provoking nod to an awareness day every now and then can help connect with your ideal customers around a shared interest.
Select a few days that mean something to you, that help you to tell a business story or feel right for supporting how you market your product or service.
As a UK business I try to list all the UK national days, and all the key international awareness days. I’ve highlighted a few of my favourites at the top of the blog, and listed the rest of these special days below.
Tap on each of the events below and they will take you directly to the organiser’s page or to more info.
*If I’ve missed any key dates, I apologise, this is no easy job and I’m providing this to you for free. Please check all dates before using them in your marketing. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of the information. I’m just sharing my own research to make life easier for you. Lastly please do bring any dates I have missed to my attention and I can add them in for others to view.
Special dates in April - the highlights
Stress Awareness MonthApril
Raising awareness of the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. Resources available.
National Pet MonthApril
Celebrating responsible pet ownership, sharing the many benefits of our cherished companions.
National Tea Day21st April
Could this be THE most British day of the year? A day to celebrate the humble brew. How do you like yours?
Earth Day22nd April
It's the 55th anniversary of Earth Day, and the theme:OUR POWER, OUR PLANET. Discover how to make smart energy choices.
April Awareness Days
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month (US)
Caesarean Section Awareness Month
1st April – Sourdough Bread Day (US)
1st April – International Pillow Fight Day
2nd April – World Autism Awareness Day
2nd April – International Children’s Book Day
4th April – International Carrot Day
4th April – Pyjamas for Pancreatic Cancer
7th-13th April – Community Garden Week
9th April – National Unicorn Day
10th April – National Siblings Day
10th April – World Homeopathy Day
11th April – World Parkinson Day
12th April – National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day (US)
16th April – National Eggs Benedict Day
16th April – Early Years Teacher Day
17th April – World Hemophilia Day
20th April – Easter Monday
21st-27th April – Lesbian Visibility Week
21st – 28th April – International Dark Sky Week
22nd April – Stephen Lawrence Day
22nd April – National Jelly Bean Day
23rd April – English Language Day
23rd April – National Asparagus Day
24th-30th April – World Immunisation Week
25th-26th April – Rattler Fest
25th April – World Malaria Day
25th April – World Penguin Day
25th April – National DNA Day (US)
25th April – Football Shirt Friday
26th April – World Intellectual Property Day
26th April – Richter Scale Day
28th April – World Day for Safety & Health at Work
28th April – International Workers’ Memorial Day
29th April – International Dance Day
30th April – International Jazz Day
I hope this list of April’s special awareness days help inspire some fresh content. Are there any opportunities to share a funny/business/personal story that might resonate with your community and/or your ideal customer?
121 Content Planning
If you would like further help in planning your content for Instagram for the month, take a look at my Content Power Hour. An outcome driven 121 session or series of sessions where you’ll go away with an armful of inspiration and ideas and a plan to follow.
If you have questions, please do get in touch.
Wishing you a great month!
Sarah x