November awareness days to inspire your social media content

Here’s all the November awareness days for you to sprinkle into your monthly social media content.  Whilst I wouldn’t recommend using ‘too’ many in your Instagram feed as it could dilute your key message, sharing a funny/interesting/thought provoking nod to an awareness day every now and then can help connect with your ideal customers around a shared interest.

Select a few November awareness days that mean something to you, that help you to tell a business story or feel right for supporting how you market your product or service.

November has no shortage of special awareness days – I’ve highlighted a few of my favourites and listed the rest of these special days. Most of them are UK based but there are few fun US and Worldwide dates dropped in there too where I think there may be social media content opportunities for my community.

Tap on each of the events below and they will take you directly to the organiser’s page or to more info.

*If I’ve missed any key dates, I apologise, this is no easy job and I’m providing this to you for free.

*Please check all dates before using them in your marketing. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of the information. I’m just sharing my own research to make life easier for you.

*Lastly please do bring any dates I have missed to my attention and I can add them in for others to view.

A few November highlights

World Vegan MonthThrough November

A chance to celebrate and educate your followers on living La Vegan Loca! A great opportunity to share tips, recipes and encourage questions.

MovemberThrough November

Are you growing a Mo this year? Are your followers? A perfect link to November's Mens Mental Health Awareness month

National Sandwich Day3rd November

A fun US date to engage with your audience - what's your favourite sandwich? Any weird or wonderful fillings?

Stress Awareness Week4th-8th November

Raising global awareness of stress and improve its management in the workplace and in our personal lives

World Kindness Day13th November

What act of kindness could you highlight? Encourage your followers to share theirs for a real feel-good post!

Self Care Week18th-24th November

The perfect week to put yourself first and to encourage your followers to do the same. Enjoy some precious Me-Time.

Clean Out your Refrigerator15th November

A bit of fun from the US, but also a useful reminder to clear out the fridge ready for all those Christmas goodies!

Buy Nothing Day29th November

This day might seem counterintuitive if you sell a physical product, but being open about your social conscience is a great marketing tool!

November Awareness Days

World Vegan Month

Winter Warmth Campaign


National Novel Writing Month

Career Development Month

1st Nov – National Brush Day

1st Nov – Diwali

1st – 2nd Nov – Dia de los muertos – Day of the Dead

3rd Nov – No Dig Day

4th Nov – Roast Dinner Day

4th-8th Nov – International Stress Awareness Week

4th-8th Nov: Talk Money Week

4th-10th Nov: British Game Week

5th Nov: Bonfire Night

6th Nov – World Let’s Stop Shouting Day

6th November – National Nachos Day

7th Nov: Hug a Bear Day

7th Nov: International Stout Day

7th Nov: International Project Management Day

9th Nov – Social Media Kindness Day

9th Nov: World Adoption Day

9th Nov: Social Media Kindness Day

10th Nov: World Science Day for Peace & Development

11th-15th Nov: National School Meals Week

11th-15th Nov – World Nursery Rhyme week

11th Nov: Armistice Day

12th November – Purple Tuesday (Improving customer experience for disabled people)

12th Nov: Odd Socks Day (anti-bullying)

13th-19th Nov: Trans Awareness Week

13th November – World Kindness Day

13th Nov: Remembrance Sunday

14th Nov: World Diabetes Day

11th-15th Nov: Anti-Bullying Week

13th-17th Nov: Geography Awareness Week

14th Nov –  World Diabetes Day

15th Nov: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day (US)

15th Nov: Full Moon – Beaver moon

16th Nov: International Day for Tolerance

17th Nov: World Prematurity Day

17th-23rd Nov: Road Safety Week

18th Nov: Mickey Mouse’s Birthday

18th-24th Nov: Book Week (Scotland)

18th-24th Nov: Sugar Awareness Week

18th-24th Nov – Self Care Week

19th Nov: International Men’s Day

19th Nov: World Toilet Day

20th Nov: World Children Day

21st Nov: World Philosophy Day

21st Nov: Beaujolais Nouveau Day

21st Nov: World Television Day

22nd Nov: Go for a Ride Day (US)

24th November – National Day of Listening (US)

25th Nov: White Ribbon Day

24th Nov: Stir Up Sunday (Christmas Pudding making day)

27th Nov: Lancashire Day

29th Nov: Black Friday – check out my blog for some planet and community friendly alternatives 

30th Nov: St Andrews Day

I hope this list of November special awareness days helps you plan and create a couple of interesting and engaging pieces of content for the month. Maybe have a think about how you can make your community smile, how you can use an awareness day to tell a story about your business, to share an inspirational quote and how they can work in connecting with your audience.

121 Content Planning

If you would like further help in planning your social media content for the month, take a look at my Content Power Hour. An outcome driven 121 session or series of sessions where you’ll go away with an armful of inspiration and ideas and a plan to follow.

OR grab your copy of the Autumn / Winter Content planner filled with ideas for every business and niche.

If you have questions, please do get in touch.

Wishing you a great month!
Sarah x

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