October awareness days to fuel your social media content

As the nights start to draw in, October awareness days provide plenty of ideas to help you create quick and engaging content for your social media feed.

There are plenty of health awareness days, foodie dates (Champagne Day anyone?) and many other curious and interesting dates which are sure to spark conversation with your audience.

Try creating a post around an October awareness day that means something to you; something that helps you to tell a business story or feels right for supporting how you market your product or service.  I’d recommend sprinkling a handful of days that are relevant to your audience throughout your Instagram feed. Use them sparingly to share a funny/interesting/thought provoking post to connect with your ideal customers around a shared interest.

I’ve highlighted a few of my favourites from this month, and listed the rest of these special days. Most of them are UK based but there are few fun US and Worldwide dates dropped in there too where I think there may be social media content opportunities for my community.

Tap on each of the events below and they will take you directly to the organiser’s page or to more info.

*If I’ve missed any key dates, I apologise, this is no easy job and I’m providing this to you for free.

*Please check all dates before using them in your marketing. It is your responsibility to check the accuracy of the information. I’m just sharing my own research to make life easier for you.

*Lastly please do bring any dates I have missed to my attention and I can add them in for others to view.

A few October highlights

Black History MonthOctober

Honouring the too-often unheralded accomplishments of Black Britons throughout our history.

International Coffee Day1st October

A day for global celebration for coffee lovers to come together and celebrate their love of the beverage.

World Space Week4th-10th October

Join thousands of participants in over 90 countries celebrating sustainability in space, and sustainability from space.

World Teachers Day5th October

A day to celebrate how teachers are transforming education but also to reflect on the support they need.

World Mental Health Day10th October

This World Mental Health Day we’re using spoken word to show the different ways people talk about their experiences.

National Baking Week14th-20th October

A day to inspire people of all abilities to try their hand at baking at home. After all, isn’t baking just a piece of cake?

Restart a Heart Day16th October

Raising awareness and helping people to learn CPR, giving them life saving skills and the confidence to use them.

World Menopause Day18th October

Raising awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

October Awareness Days

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

ADHD Awareness Month

GO Sober this October

Cybersecurity Month (USA)

National Cholesterol Month


CMT Awareness Month (Charcot-Marie-Tooth)

International School Library Month

International Walk to School Month

1st – 7th October – National Vegetarian Week

2 October – World Habitat Day

3 October – Buy British Day

3 October – National Poetry Day

3 October – Buy British Day

4 October – World Animal Day

4 October – National Taco Day (US)

4 October – World Smile Day

4 October – Boycott Your Bed

5 Oct-3 Nov – Family Learning Festival

6 October – Grandparents Day

6 October – National Badger Day

7-13 October – Children’s Trust Pyjama Week

7-11 October – National Work Life Week

7-13 October – Libraries week

7-13 October – National Curry Week

7-13 October – Dyslexia Week

8 October – World Octopus Day

9-15 October – Baby Loss Awareness week

9 October – World Post Day

10 October – World Homeless Day  

10 October – World Porridge Day

11 October – International Day of the Girl 

11 October – National Coming out Day 

11 October – World Egg Day

12 October – Bookshop Day

13 October – World Sight Day 

13 October – International Skeptics Day

13 October – No Bra Day

13 October – Apple Day

14-20 October – Back Care Awareness Week

14 October – National Album Day

14-20 October – UK Coffee Week

14 October – King Harold Day

14-20 October – Recycle Week

14-20 October – National Baking Week

15 October – Global Handwashing Day 

15 October – Global Wave of Light 

16 October – World Food Day 

16 October – Restart a Heart Day

17 October – Full Supermoon – Hunters Moon

16 October – Bosses Day (US) 

17 October – Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day

17 October – World Values Day 

18 October – World Menopause Day

18 October – Wear It Pink

20 October – World Osteoporosis Day 

21-27 October – National Adoption Week

21 October – Reptile Awareness Day 

21 October – Back to the Future Day

22 October – International Stuttering Awareness Day 

24 October – Horror Movie Day (US)

25 October – World Champagne Day 

25 October  – National Dog Adoption Day 

27 October – National Black Cat Day 

27 October – National Cheese Toastie Day

27 October – Clocks go back

29 October – World Online Networking Day

29 October – RSPB Feed The Birds Day

30 October – Mischief Night

31 October – Halloween 

I hope this list of special awareness days for October help inspire some fresh content. Are there any opportunities to share a funny/business/personal story that might resonate with your community and/or your ideal customer?

Content Planning Help

If you would like further help in planning your social media content for the month, take a look at my Content Power Hour or grab your copy of the Autumn Winter Content Planner. Sarah x